Frequently Asked Questions - Master Teacher Fellowship Program
Why do I have to apply for the MƒA LA Master Teacher Fellowship together with another colleague?
We want Master Teachers to work in pairs (or possibly teams of three or more) so that they will have a greater chance of bringing about real, sustained change in their departments.
Can I apply together with a colleague from another Small Learning Community (SLC) on the same school site? Can I apply together with a colleague from another school, but in the same district?
MƒA LA will consider extenuating circumstances that may prevent teachers from working with colleagues at their schools. Applicants will need to demonstrate that they will be able to work with their colleagues at other schools/SLCs and how the proposed projects at both schools can be integrated.
Do all teachers on the team need to have a master's degree?
No, but it may increase your chances of being selected. Teams of teachers who have master's degrees will be given priority over teams in which only one person has a master's degree. Teams of teachers in which all members lack master's degrees will have lowest priority for funding. The reason that candidates are prioritized in this way is that a large portion of the funding for this program (via the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Scholarship Program) comes with federal legislation that requires that these funds only be used toward teachers with master's degrees.
How will MƒA LA help my colleague(s) and me to design and complete our project?
MƒA LA aims to provide its Master Teachers with everything that they need to be successful: comprehensive and targeted professional development, mentors in the form of experienced teachers and STEM university faculty, connections to local and national support networks, financial support, and moral support!
What happens if I leave my school before the end of my Master Teacher Fellowship?
If a MƒA LA Master Teacher is transferred to another school, MƒA LA will help the fellow to adapt his/her project to that new school and stay in the program if it is at all possible. However, if the project cannot be continued, MƒA LA may terminate the fellowship. If a MƒA LA Master Teacher quits teaching or fails to meet his or her obligations, he/she may be terminated as a MƒA LA Master Teacher and will be asked to repay any previously disbursed salary supplement.