2024 Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Maria Camarena, honored as a 2024 Los Angeles Unified School District Teacher of the Year.
Teaching since 2006, Maria joined MƒA Los Angeles in 2019, as part of our second cohort of Master Teachers in Computer Science. A math teacher at heart, Maria accepted an offer to teach technology under the condition that she would teach Computer Science and not simply Introduction to Computers. Her passion to bring Computer Science to everyone led her to become an advocate at the school and district levels.
Students continue to benefit from her efforts, as there is now a Computer Science pathway encompassing all grades at Maria’s school, bringing Computer Science to everyone.
Teaching since 2006, Maria joined MƒA Los Angeles in 2019, as part of our second cohort of Master Teachers in Computer Science. A math teacher at heart, Maria accepted an offer to teach technology under the condition that she would teach Computer Science and not simply Introduction to Computers. Her passion to bring Computer Science to everyone led her to become an advocate at the school and district levels.
Students continue to benefit from her efforts, as there is now a Computer Science pathway encompassing all grades at Maria’s school, bringing Computer Science to everyone.
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Conference - July 16-19, 2024
Don't miss these session at the CSTA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada

Maria Camarena
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 • 1:00pm
Reimagining High School CS Pathways for the Future
This session will identify and share recommendations for how these industry trends should inform the future of AP Computer Science, course pathways in high school, and introductory CS courses at colleges and universities. We will share findings from the Reimagining CS Pathways project, which explores new pathways for learning CS in high school and relating that learning to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for the careers of the future.
Maria Camarena and Agustín Sarmiento
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 • 2:30pm
Portfolio Power: Portfolios for Performance, Reflection, and Opportunities in CS
Take a dive into the world of digital portfolios and their transformative role in computer science (CS) education. Beyond programming skills, digital portfolios enable students to demonstrate their progress, reflect on their learning journey, and excel academically. Join us in this session to learn from successful implementations, gain insights into effective rollout strategies, and discover how digital portfolios can be your secret weapon in the CS classroom.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 • 1:00pm
Reimagining High School CS Pathways for the Future
This session will identify and share recommendations for how these industry trends should inform the future of AP Computer Science, course pathways in high school, and introductory CS courses at colleges and universities. We will share findings from the Reimagining CS Pathways project, which explores new pathways for learning CS in high school and relating that learning to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for the careers of the future.
Maria Camarena and Agustín Sarmiento
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 • 2:30pm
Portfolio Power: Portfolios for Performance, Reflection, and Opportunities in CS
Take a dive into the world of digital portfolios and their transformative role in computer science (CS) education. Beyond programming skills, digital portfolios enable students to demonstrate their progress, reflect on their learning journey, and excel academically. Join us in this session to learn from successful implementations, gain insights into effective rollout strategies, and discover how digital portfolios can be your secret weapon in the CS classroom.
2023 College Board AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award
Through this award, the College Board AP recognizes schools that are expanding young women's access to computer science coursework in AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A. To achieve this award, it is necessary to have reached 50% or higher female examinee representation in one of or both AP computer science courses.
Congratulations to our fellows for continuing to expand educational opportunities for women in computer science.
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
Congratulations to our fellows for continuing to expand educational opportunities for women in computer science.
AP Computer Science A
- Bell Gardens High School: Manuel Hernandez and Ruby Huerta
AP Computer Science Principles
- Los Angeles High School for the Arts: Edwin Galan and Wendy Hernandez
CMC-South Annual Conference - November 3-4, 2023

Peg Cagle
Featured speaker at the conference
Friday, November 3 • 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Math Worth Falling in Love With!
Do you dream of classrooms full of students loving math as much as you do? Dare to do more than dream. Come explore what we can do as teachers to ensure that each and every child in our classes is presented with myriad opportunities, reasons and routes to develop an appreciation for the complexity, simplicity, beauty, joy and wonder of mathematics. Be empowered and emboldened to share your passion for math. Be energized to take on math anxiety and push back against a culture of normalizing math phobia. And be equipped to center students’ experiences in mathematics worth falling in love with!
Featured speaker at the conference
Friday, November 3 • 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Math Worth Falling in Love With!
Do you dream of classrooms full of students loving math as much as you do? Dare to do more than dream. Come explore what we can do as teachers to ensure that each and every child in our classes is presented with myriad opportunities, reasons and routes to develop an appreciation for the complexity, simplicity, beauty, joy and wonder of mathematics. Be empowered and emboldened to share your passion for math. Be energized to take on math anxiety and push back against a culture of normalizing math phobia. And be equipped to center students’ experiences in mathematics worth falling in love with!

Corey Taylor
Saturday, November 4 • 1:15pm - 2:45pm
Daring to Lead Conversations about Data
Have you ever led a conversation about data just to find it turn into negativity and defeat? Join my session to discuss how we have changed the way we talk about IAB data to create a positive environment where teachers are excited to dive into their data!
2022 College Board AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award
Through this award, the College Board AP recognizes schools that are expanding young women's access to computer science coursework in AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A. To achieve this award, it is necessary to have reached 50% or higher female examinee representation in one of or both AP computer science courses.
Congratulations to our fellows for continuing to expand educational opportunities for women in computer science.
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
Congratulations to our fellows for continuing to expand educational opportunities for women in computer science.
AP Computer Science A
- Hollywood HS: Alissa Abad
- Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School: Hannah McDowell, Steve Ishii, and Stever Leung
AP Computer Science Principles
- Augustus F. Hawkins High School – Computer Design & Gaming School (C:\DAGS): Jackie Paredes and Joel Velazquez
- Hollywood High School: Alissa Abad
- Los Angeles High School for the Arts: Edwin Galan and Wendy Hernandez
- Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School: Liem Tran and Steve Ishii
2022 CS Teaching Excellence Award

Congratulations to Agustín Sarmiento, winner of a 2021-2022 CS Teaching Excellence Award. The Computer Science Teachers Association bestows this annual award on CS teachers who inspire students to explore the computer science field; engage students in learning rigorous standards-aligned, computer science content; and broaden participation of underrepresented students in computing. Agustín joined MƒA Los Angeles in 2019, as part of our second cohort of Master Teachers in Computer Science. We extend enthusiastic congratulations to Agustín on this achievement.
2022 Aspirations in Computing Award

Congratulations to MƒA Los Angeles Master Teacher in Computer Science Maria Camarena, one of four educators to receive the 2022 National Center for Women & Information Technology Aspirations in Computing Award. These educators play a pivotal role in encouraging high school students who identify as women, genderqueer, or non-binary to explore their interest in computing and technology. The award also recognizes their efforts to promote gender equity in computing.
Finalist for the 2021 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced the finalists for the 2021 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). MƒA Los Angeles Master Teacher Stephanie Paris was one of the three nominees for this prestigious award that California can recommend in mathematics teaching. Stephanie joined MƒA Los Angeles in 2016 as an Early Career Teacher Fellow and became a Master Teacher Fellow in 2020.
"This has been a year full of significant challenges for students—personal, economic, and social. The teachers recognized today are giving their students the tools to help them tackle difficulties, find creative solutions, ask questions, and be the problem-solvers we need for the challenges of tomorrow," Thurmond said.
We extend our hearty congratulations to Stephanie on this impressive honor.
"This has been a year full of significant challenges for students—personal, economic, and social. The teachers recognized today are giving their students the tools to help them tackle difficulties, find creative solutions, ask questions, and be the problem-solvers we need for the challenges of tomorrow," Thurmond said.
We extend our hearty congratulations to Stephanie on this impressive honor.
2020 College Board AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award
Through this award, the College Board AP recognizes schools that are expanding young women's access to computer science coursework in AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A. To achieve this award, it is necessary to have reached 50% or higher female examinee representation in one of or both AP computer science courses.
Congratulations to our fellows for continuing to expand educational opportunities for women in computer science.
AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
Congratulations to our fellows for continuing to expand educational opportunities for women in computer science.
AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A
- Alliance Gertz-Ressler High School: Nathan Roller
AP Computer Science Principles
- Maywood Center for Enriched Studies: Agustín Sarmiento and Maria Camarena
- Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School: Hannah McDowell, Steve Ishii, and Stever Leung
- Augustus F. Hawkins High School – Computer Design & Gaming School (C:\DAGS): Jackie Paredes and Joel Velazquez
- Manual Arts High School: Rogan Ferguson
2020 CS Teaching Excellence Award

Congratulations to Maria Camarena, winner of a 2019-2020 CS Teaching Excellence Award. The Computer Science Teachers Association bestows this annual award on CS teachers who inspire students to explore the computer science field; engage students in learning rigorous standards-aligned, computer science content; and broaden participation of underrepresented students in computing. Maria joined MƒA Los Angeles in 2019, as part of our second cohort of Master Teachers in Computer Science. We extend our warmest congratulations to Maria on this achievement.
Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Leslie Hicks, who was named as a 2019-2020 Los Angeles Unified School District Teacher of the Year. Leslie is a Master Teacher Fellow and has been with MƒA Los Angeles since 2015. A former Peace Corps volunteer, Leslie began her teaching career in 2006. She is known as a talented and innovative teacher who has an authentic passion for teaching and seeing her students grow. We sincerely congratulate Leslie on this well-deserved honor.
USC Rossier magazine
There is great story in the Spring/Summer 2019 issue of the USC Rossier School of Education magazine.
Our Fellows*
*Not pictured (yet):
Master Teacher Fellows:
Master Teacher Fellows:
- Edwin (Los Angeles High School of the Arts at the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools)